Our obligation to constantly update the State Bar’s publication on fair debt collection inspired our Firm’s weblog. In the course of keeping abreast of daily legal and regulatory developments in the fair debt arena, we decided to quite literally “give away” our experience and research to industry subscribers. But, that daily research and annual compilation of fair debt collection research puts us in the forefront of legal developments and allows us to recognize litigation trends that others might not see. Our experience translates to our clients’ benefit. We have conducted in-house FDCPA and Rosenthal Act training both to help our clients avoid litigation and, quite frankly, because fair debt collection is the ethical thing to do. When litigation is unavoidable, however, we are prepared for the challenges of this unique litigation. Our firm has settled hundreds of cases. We have tried multiple cases and arbitrations to favorable verdict.
The Firm’s fair debt servicing experience includes first and third party collections, unsecured and secured real and personal property obligations, and individual and class action claims. To keep up on the fair debt servicing and other consumer protection laws, subscribe to our weblog.