The Game of Thrones Contest website use sign-in wrap,  Immediately below the “Play” button on the initial screen there was a clear, different font color legend saying that by tapping that button the user agreed to the website’s terms of service.  The words “terms of service” were linked to the full text of those terms which disclosed in the first paragraph that users agreed to arbitration.  Under California law, a sign-in wrap agreement may be an enforceable contract based on inquiry notice if (1) the website provides reasonably conspicuous notice of the terms to which the consumer will be bound; and (2) the consumer takes some action, such as clicking a button or checking a box, that unambiguously manifests his or her assent to those terms.  In deciding whether the terms of service are sufficiently conspicuous, the court must consider both the context of the transaction (whether it contemplates a continuing relationship likely to be governed by terms) and the visual aspects of the webpage (how conspicuous the notice of terms is).  Here the transaction was downloading a game app to the consumer’s phone which was usually not a one-time involvement since once downloaded , the game could be played repeatedly.  Visually, notice of agreement to the terms of service was reasonably conspicuous.