In a Domestic Violence Restraining Order proceeding, the plaintiff wife was unrepresented by counsel; the defendant, her former husband had counsel. The trial court did not violate defendant’s due process rights by assisting plaintiff during her testimony by asking her very broad, open-ended questions designed to allow her to tell the court about the incidents on which she based her request for a restraining order.  The court also did not err in suggesting to defense counsel that he stop asking defendant leading questions so that the judge could hear more information directly from the defendant.  Finally, there was no error in allowing plaintiff to testify about an incident not mentioned in her petition.  The DVPA “does not impose on a victim of domestic abuse a pleading obligation that he or she describe all individual actions taken by the alleged abuser in the DVRO request in order later to testify about those acts at the hearing, as long as the alleged abuser is placed on notice of the general allegations.”