5 U. S. C. §7703(b)(1) states that a person may appeal to the Court of Appeal from the Merit Systems Protections Board’s decision, if the appeal is taken within 60 days if that decision.  This opinion holds that though mandatory, the 60-day time limit is not jurisdictional.  Apart from appeal times from district court to appellate courts, time limits are interpreted as non-jurisdictional unless Congress has clearly provided otherwise by linking the time bar to the court’s jurisdiction.  This statute does not do so.  28 USC 1295(a)(9) which grants Courts of Appeals jurisdiction to hear appeals “pursuant to” 7703 does not make section 7703’s time limit jurisdictional.  In this context, “pursuant to” simply means that the appeal is taken “under” section 7703 not that the appeal satisfies each of that section’s requirements.