A district court may approve a class action settlement that provides monetary relief only in the form of cy pres payments to non-parties, so long as distribution to class members is not possible and the recipients of the cy pres payments are appropriately chosen in light of the nature of the plaintiffs’ lawsuit, the objectives of the underlying statutes, and the interests of the silent class members. Here, the district court did not abuse its discretion in finding the $13 million in settlement funds could not be distributed to the 60 million class members, particularly as there was no way to verify that a claimant was entitled to a payment. The fact that money cannot be distributed to class members does not defeat superiority under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3). Class members benefit indirectly from the cy pres payments. The cy pres payments together with injunctive relief to which Google agreed provided adequate consideration for release of the class’ claims. Cy pres payments to charities does not violate class members’ First Amendment rights not to fund speech with which they do not agree since they can avoid doing so simply by opting out of the class. The cy pres recipients were properly chosen even if some of them had received prior cy pres distributions in settlement of other class actions against the same defendant or others like it. The district court did not abuse its discretion in approving attorney fees of 25% of the monetary relief given in settlement. Fees need not be automatically reduced due to the cy pres only payment of other monetary relief.