Sticking with this court’s prior decision in Marina Pacific Hotel & Suites, LLC v. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co. (2022) 81 Cal.App.5th 96, this decision holds (in an unpublished portion) that the presence of COVID-19 particles on surfaces of an insured’s building is sufficient physical loss or damage to real property to allow coverage for business interruption.  In the published portion of the opinion, the court concludes that a “pollution” exclusion that includes the word “virus” in the definition of “pollution” is insufficient to nix coverage of COVID-19-induced business losses.  The pollution exclusion was historically meant to exclude very different sort of losses, and the insertion of the single word “virus” doesn’t suffice to repurpose the exclusion.  However, two insurers’ non-standard policies that did exclude “virus” without mentioning “pollution” were enough to nix coverage.