Trader Joe’s label on honey saying “100% New Zealand Manuka Honey” was not false advertising in violation of the UCL. Under FDA honey guidelines, a honey label may indicate the flower of origin of the honey if the producer has reason to believe that the designated flower is the chief floral source of the honey. Here, Trader Joe’s had evidence that Manuka flowers were over 50% of the sources of the honey, so it met the FDA guideline as the chief source of the honey. The label’s representation of 100% would not mislead a reasonable consumer given three key contextual inferences from the product itself: (1) the impossibility of making a honey that is 100% derived from one floral source, (2) the low price of Trader Joe’s Manuka Honey, and (3) the presence of the “10+” on the label. The 10+ referred to a grading system for percentage of Manuka pollen in the honey. The scale ran from 5+ to 26+.