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California Appellate Tracker

The following summaries are of recent published decisions of the California appellate courts, the Ninth Circuit, and the United States Supreme Court. The summaries are presented without regard to whether Severson & Werson represented a party in the case.

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Under a homeowner’s insurance policy’s “personal injury” coverage, the insurer must defend a nuisance claim charging that a fence the insured built on his own property blocked an easement providing access to the plaintiff’s adjoining property. Read More

Legal malpractice actions generally are not SLAPPs even though much evidence to prove the malpractice claim involves actions taken in the prosecution or defense of the underlying action. Read More

A court always decides whether a non-signatory is bound by an arbitration agreement—even when the agreement delegates arbitrability issues to the arbitrator. Read More

Although inadmissibility alone is not a proper basis to reject evidence submitted in support of class certification, the district court should still test expert evidence by the Daubert standard and consider whether it is likely plaintiff will be able to prove the same facts with admissible evidence by the time of trial. Read More

A government employer must make reasonable accommodations for a disabled worker and engage in an interactive process with the worker to reach that accommodation, and in this instance the employer failed to comply when it gave a probationary employee medical leave but did not tell her the leave would result in her automatic termination because she would not be available… Read More

A judgment lien perfected before the judgment debtor’s death may be enforced at any time within 10 years after entry of judgment; the one-year-from-death limitations period applies only claims against the decedent on which judgment has not been entered. Read More

Plaintiff is not entitled to an equitable easement over a disputed area of an adjoining property owner's land because plaintiff was negligent in planting the disputed area with a permanent crop (pistachio trees) while being aware of a boundary dispute but failing to investigate it.  Read More

A prosecutor may freeze and seize a criminal defendant's assets to pay restitution or a restitution fine ordered as part of a criminal sentence for certain white-collar crimes, but the resulting property interest is only defensible against a later transferee of the property if the county finishes the procedure and perfects its lien. Read More

An abstract of judgment filed after the judgment debtor's death does not create a lien on estate property, nor is a criminal restitution judgment creditor entitled to priority of payment from the judgment debtor’s estate. Read More

Elder abuse case was properly remanded—and attorney fees properly awarded against defendant removing party—by the district court after defendant's fraudulent joinder theory was appropriately rejected. Read More

An employee of a gas station operated by an independent franchisee could not bring wage and hour action against the franchisor because the franchisor was not his employer under the relevant statutory test. Read More

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